Describe the character interactions and how they portray the communication element.

1.View the movie you selected and find 4 concepts that you have learned about either from the following list or that you have found within the readings and lessons each week. The list below is not exhaustive but can help you to pick some concepts from the different topics we have discussed in the course. […]

Provide 1 example of positive punishment and 1 example of negative punishment.

Positive and Negative Punishment Provide 1 example of positive punishment and 1 example of negative punishment. Be sure to include the discriminative stimulus for punishment, the behavior and the consequence/punisher. Come up with your own personal examples. (At least 2 paragraphs  

Discuss why you feel associative learning is being used and the response the ad is meant to elicit.

To identify examples of classical conditioning in your own life. INSTRUCTIONS: Give an example of Classical Conditioning from your life. Identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response (You must use ALL of these terms to receive credit). Think about how classical conditioning (associative learning) works in advertising. Find an […]

What do you see as the most important advantages of integrating science and practice in the counseling profession?

STIMULUS QUESTIONS ASSIGNMENT Heppner, P. P., Wampold, B. E., & Owen, J. (2015). Research Design in Counseling (4th Edition). Cengage Learning US. Chapter 2 Stimulus Questions Reflections on Research Training 1. In what ways do you think scientific thinking might be useful for both practice and science activities? 2. Identify five activities you can […]

Explain whether or not the hypothesis(es) was supported. How do we know if the numbers in each half indicate that more planarians than could be expected by chance are responding to a stimulus?

Title -Informative. Introduction -Start from general ideas/concepts and finish specific to the experiment with an aim and hypothesis(es). Please write a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis both Methods-Please refer to setup procedure mentioned below for both experiment Results-Refer to graphs present in the attached document write the results. Discussion -whether or not the hypothesis(es) was […]

Briefly describe the way that Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning & Observational Learning/Social Modeling Theory could be used to help you change the behavior in yourself.

Choose a behavior that you would like to increase or decrease in yourself. For one week, record the instances of the behavior. What were some causes and consequences of the behavior that you noticed? Create a hypothesis as to why the behavior is occurring at the present time and rate. Briefly describe the way that […]

Identify the terms for the stimulus changes occurring before and after a behavior of interest.

Read attached documents and answer the following questions based off readings: Cooper et al., Chapter 1: 1. According to Cooper et al., what is the purpose of science? 2. Briefly describe the attitudes of science discussed in the chapter. 3. What are the three branches of behavior analysis? How are these branches unique? 4. Who […]