Download and examine the series of daily stock prices and returns of any two companies listed under different industries on the London stock exchange for the period of one year before Brexit referendum (23 June 2016) and one year after.

Description Download and examine the series of daily stock prices and returns of any two companies listed under different industries on the London stock exchange for the period of one year before Brexit referendum (23 June 2016) and one year after. Use Tesco PLC and BP. Examination should be about pre and post Brexit referendum […]

Select a suitable company listed on a well-recognised international exchange such as, the London Stock Exchange FTSE 100 and make use of any related and associated data.Discuss

ASSIGNMENT TASK Using the knowledge gained during your study of Units 1 to 8 prepare answers to the questions below. You should select a suitable company listed on a well-recognised international exchange such as, the London Stock Exchange FTSE 100 and make use of any related and associated data. There are three parts to this […]