Can you conclude that there is a statistically significant Friday effect in the stock market?

“Friday Effect”: Are Stock Prices Lower on Fridays? Write an essay that will answer the following prompt (6-7 pages) citing at least 8 peer-reviewed sources (include the links in the references – APA 7th), those resources should back your arguments up and you should explain the theory and the logic behind your answers. YOU NEED […]

What is the difference in the mean return between the first and second quarter?Discuss

1. Violating which of the classical linear regression model assumption will lead to a biased OLS estimator? [1] 2. In a system of equations given below, Y’s are endogenous while X’s are exogenous. Which of the equation is just identified? Explain. [2] 3. State one advantage of using a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model. [1] 4. […]

What are the factors that affect how the stock market performs?Where do you see the stock market going over the next three months?Discuss

Description This week you will provide an overview of the stock market and evaluate its past performance. Your discussion should include: General -The structure of the stock market and how it operates -How transactions are conducted in the stock market -Securities that could be bought or sold in the stock market -Other available financial instruments […]