How are the stories similar and dissimilar to each other, and how do they relate to class material-What themes from class do the stories reference?

Human Sexuality Midterm On the Mystery Box website ( choose three individual stories to watch. You will then write a 2-3 page double-spaced paper on how the three stories relate to each other: how are the stories similar and dissimilar to each other, and how do they relate to class material? What themes from class […]

Compare, contrast, and look for connections between stories assigned on a given day with each other or with past stories we have read for class.

Avoid asking questions that prompt a repeating of explicit information in the text. Formulate questions that have no “easy” answer, and ones that can be interpreted through various perspectives. Compare, contrast, and look for connections between stories assigned on a given day with each other or with past stories we have read for class. Look […]

Explain How does using her phone give Starr power in a particular situation where she otherwise wouldn’t have had any?

Choose ONE of these tasks and write at least 500 words. (You are of course allowed to write more, and should do so if you aim for grade 5-6) Remember: – Give your text a suitable title – Divide your text into paragraphs – Check spelling on Ordnett Pluss 1. Many of the characters in […]

Define the function of one characteristic in local-color realism by contrasting one work by a woman (Freeman, Jewett, Chopin, etc) to one by a man (either Twain or Harte). What do the gender differences between the stories reveal about the purpose of the defining characteristics of local color?

Define the function of one characteristic in local-color realism by contrasting one work by a woman (Freeman, Jewett, Chopin, etc) to one by a man (either Twain or Harte). What do the gender differences between the stories reveal about the purpose of the defining characteristics of local color? Here is your thesis (opening sentence): The […]

How does the speaker open the speech? What works well in his or her introduction?

After watching a persuasive speech from Julian Treasure “How to speak so that people want to listen” The Most Popular TED Talks of All Time, answer the following: •How does the speaker open the speech? What works well in his or her introduction? •How is the speech organized? Does it flow smoothly? •What are the […]

Compare and contrast the themes of death and morality in the short stories “The Story of an Hour” and “Hunters in the Snow”.

In this essay you are to compare and contrast the themes of death and morality in the short stories “The Story of an Hour” and “Hunters in the Snow”. Your essay should be typed in MLA format, include at least 1 qoute from each sort story, and include a Works Cited page. (3 pages).

What are similarities in the setting of both stories? How does the setting function as a character in each story? What are specific scenes in each story that you find compelling or significant?

  A few ideas for comparisons; you may choose a different element of craft: For Setting What are similarities in the setting of both stories? How does the setting function as a character in each story? What are specific scenes in each story that you find compelling or significant? Does the setting change within each […]