What are some additional things about theme in everyday life that you think should be considered?

Unit 4 DB: Finding theme in everyday life The definition of Theme is often abridged to “the main idea.” However, Theme is more involved than that. Essentially, a theme is the author’s message what the author wants to tell his/her readers about people in general. Themes can be supported by many of the story’s components, […]

Write an annotated story and create a video discussing your story process and the course elements that helped you create and construct the story.

Write an annotated story Project Overview The Final Project will require you to write an annotated story and create a video discussing your story process and the course elements that helped you create and construct the story. Maybe you have been thinking about an idea for years and would like to try and write it […]

How do the course readings and the additional articles help you make sense of both the story and Health Communication even more?

Health Communication Construct a personal narrative about an experience that you have had where social support made a difference. Because social support is such an important Health Communication concept, explore this idea a bit further. In addition to using your course readings, find 2 outside peer-reviewed journal articles from the following sources: The Journal of […]

Discuss the effect on the workers and the effect on the employers.

Health, Safety, and Security visit the https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/infodate-m/202111 Directions: Locate a news release on an OSHA activity. Provide a summary of the news release and discuss what OSHA is trying to do. Try to find a unique story that has not already been discussed in this forum. Discuss the effect on the workers and the effect […]

Describe this person’s story, business, and factors that contributed to their success.

Business Law Create a PowerPoint of a famous entrepreneur. Describe this person’s story, business, and factors that contributed to their success. Was this person a good manager? Why or why not? If using PowerPoint, the presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides.A minimum of 3 sources should be used cited in MLA format.  

What do you think this story will end up being about?

Prompt: Share three film ideas you might develop for this course and for each idea, detail the following five points: TITLE: can be a working title. LOGLINE: a one-sentence description of the story. PROTAGONIST: what does your hero want and why? CONFLICT: who or what stands in your hero’s way? THEME: what do you think […]