What must strategic leaders do to develop-sustain an effective organizational culture?

Dicussion forum Effective strategic leadership is a prerequisite to using the strategic management process successfully. Strategic leaders help define the vision and mission of a firm and then set stretch goals that lead to innovations, breakthrough thinking, competitive advantages, and above-average returns. Strategic leadership entails the ability to anticipate events, envision possibilities, maintain flexibility, and […]

.Identify three basic benefits firms gain by successfully implementing an international strategy

Strategic Management In uploaded file.Read through the chapter power point and answer the questions accordingly.Then do a video presentation based on your answers. You may choose any organization. 1. Explain incentives that can influence international strategy 2.Identify three basic benefits firms gain by successfully implementing an international strategy 3.Discuss the major risks of using international […]

Discuss the extent to which strategic-planning concepts would be applicable to managing and making decisions in your life. 

1. (a) What are the three stages in strategic management? Which stage is more analytical? Which relies most on empowerment to be successful? Which relies most on statistics? Justify your answers. (b) Discuss the extent to which strategic-planning concepts would be applicable to managing and making decisions in your life. 2. (a) Identify a case in which a […]

Demonstrate understanding of the different management theories and the basics of Macro and micro-economics, including the decision making process and strategic management approaches that drive organisations’ performance

Demonstrate understanding of the different management theories and the basics of Macro and micro-economics, including the decision making process and strategic management approaches that drive organisations’ performance Work with others, develop your personal and professional skills and demonstrate your ability of self-management and learning and be able to use these skills for analysing particular environments, […]