Identify and research two strategies (e.g., specific interview, observation, test) (any type of assessment) designed to assess the construct.

Description 1.) Select a construct that you are interested in (e.g., mindfulness, resilience, depressive symptoms) Generativity (middle adulthood) 2.) Create an assessment question (e.g., “What is the best strategy to assess…?”) relevant to a construct of your interest (e.g., anxiety, emotional regulation) among your desired population (e.g., in adult clients). 3.) Identify and research two […]

Describe evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation and how you would employ these in your learning environment and with a diverse group of learners.

Description Describes the learning environment most appropriate for the educational topic and intended audience that you identified. Briefly describes and evaluates theories of classroom management, learner management, and learner motivation that are relevant to your course and intended audience. Describes evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation […]

Critically discuss the key strategies:Pendleton’s rules model, Peyton 4 step model, Gagne instructional 9 steps, utilized to promote learning and development in clinical settings. Critically evaluate the extent to which they were effective. Reflect on how you intend to revise your strategy in subsequent practice learning events.

Description Structured essay subject: “Critically discuss the key strategies:Pendleton’s rules model, Peyton 4 step model, Gagne instructional 9 steps, utilized to promote learning and development in clinical settings. Critically evaluate the extent to which they were effective. Reflect on how you intend to revise your strategy in subsequent practice learning events.” – Pendleton’s rules model […]

Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science.

Description This assignment is 2000 words. In 2 parts each part 1000 words! Part 1. Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science. (1000 words.) Part 2. Discuss how genetics can be […]

What is the budgeting format used and the important information it contains?Discuss.

1.What is the budgeting format used and the important information it contains? . Why is the format used by DJJ? What are some of the strengths and weaknesses for DJJ? 2.Who in DJJ prepares and approves the budget request? What they do? How important they are? How they define “agency budget success”? 3.Strategies DJJ uses […]

What are 1-2 strategies that were mentioned for selecting their topic or developing their presentation material?Explain

Questions for each video answers should total 7-10 sentences, per video! What is the name of the presenter? What is the topic and information being discussed? (provide more than just the title) In what ways is this a social justice topic? What are 1-2 strategies that were mentioned for selecting their topic or developing their […]

Describe the three differences in the types of plans that are involved in management.

What are the four functions of management? Describe the three differences in the types of plans that are involved in management. What is involved in organizing? Leading relates to how relates with employees. Discuss How can managers control a firm’s performance? Discuss the three levels of management and their duties There are three broad skills […]

Compare and contrast the merits of the entry strategies discussed in this chapter. What is their role in an integrative global strategy?

Paper details: Compare and contrast the merits of the entry strategies discussed in this chapter. What is their role in an integrative global strategy? Please do not just define the entry strategies, you must discuss why one should be used over another in different circumstances.