What are at least three of the most important concepts/main ideas from the reading/s?

Rethinking Disability Ch. 5 & 6 “The Text Response must demonstrate that you have read chapters 5 and 6 of Rethinking Disability carefully and identified key questions, issues, and critical points for discussion for the assigned reading. The document should capture key information from the readings using your own words as deeply as possible and […]

What is the most striking aspect of this presenation? Why? Recall a memorable word, phrase, passage.

Please see the video presenation on,The Danger of a Single Story (see link below) in a 250-300 word essay, react to it. As you reflect, consider the following questions: 1. What is the most striking aspect of this presenation? Why? Recall a memorable word, phrase, passage. 2. What does this message remind you of? Can […]