Describe a problem your students struggle to solve. Share ways to create multiple entry points for students ranging from those who may struggle to those who need to be stretched.

Multiple Entry Points The brain thrives on curiosity unless it has been curtailed by experience. A one-right-answer approach negates possible places to start solving a problem. By generating starting points, learners can explore a range of possibilities to reach a similar conclusion. Use the questions to guide your response. APA 7th citations are required Describe […]

Discuss Do racial/ethnic minority students cope with stress or use social support differently to other students? Do female students cope with stress or use social support differently to male students?

Log on to Read chapter 5 THE SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH, HEALING, AND ILLNESS For login details, please, contact the support team. Question for Chapter 5 Answer Discussion–Case.p. 136 The stress process as it relates to socioeconomic status, race, sexual orientation, and gender was discussed in this chapter. Think about social stress as it relates […]

What can you do to challenge the students who are thinking more abstractly who are in the same classroom?

Teachers continually need to develop strategies to address the different levels of cognitive development of their students. Using Piaget’s framework, think about a concept that you would most enjoy teaching. To start, talk about how you can teach this concept or lesson to students who are at both the concrete and formal operational stages (according […]

Discuss how material in the Risk Management Book can be used in the student’s daily operations.

Book Report. Please, write a 2-page report that discusses how material in the Risk Management Book can be used in the student’s daily operations. Ensure the book report is applicable to the students focus area. The report will include a title page, the report, and a reference page. Pick “human behavior” and “Assessing Risk” in […]

What motivates students? Are there particular activities/lesson formats that appear to engage more students? What lessons or activities seem to be the least engaging for students?

Provide a 1-2 page summary of an idea or ideas you have for a final research project. This can be rather informal, but should include: * Specific research questions or ideas * Possible challenges you anticipate in being able to answer your research questions If you are having difficulty coming up with a research topic […]

Briefly describe the students identified needs and explain how interventions were selected. Rationalize choices in relation to the needs of the students.

Upon identifying an appropriate intervention tier and aligning intervention strategies, teachers can begin the implementation process. Implementing identified intervention strategies during instruction will help to not only meet the needs of students but help teachers to identify where to monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Implementation and evaluation of intervention is an ongoing process when […]

Explain:Does mayoral control of Chicago Public Schools result in lagging academic achievement outcomes for African American high school students?

The spread of mayoral control raises new questions of about the institutional structures and consequences of governance for our nation’s city schools. This research seeks to answer this question drawn from the existing body of knowledge on mayoral impact on city school academic success: *This will flow better once you address above normative questions Does […]

Identifying Your Role as an Educational Advocate for Students

How do you model and encourage effective peer-to-peer relationships? Describe and explain how you will teach a strategy to your students that encourages relationships that are accepting and responsive to student diversity. Target the choices you make to the age/content that you teach. If you teach adolescents, you might focus on the power of language […]