How much congruence do you think there is between your actual, ideal, and ought selves? How does this affect how you think, feel, and act?

Be sure to specifically answer the following questions: How much congruence do you think there is between your actual, ideal, and ought selves? How does this affect how you think, feel, and act? Briefly summarize your thoughts on Rogers’s major concepts of the self, self-actualization, and unconditional positive regard. What research design(s) did Rogers use […]

What types of designs were used in prior studies? (experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, A-B-A-B, single case design, survey, pre/post-test, mixed-methods, etc.)?

Description Research Questions/Hypotheses • State the research question/hypothesis you want to answer in your study. This is still a “tree trunk” and should be used to guide your search for articles. You will need to present a “toothpick” question at the end of this paper. • The research question should build upon your research review […]

Identify (and justify) a complex problem that disciplines by themselves are inadequate to address comprehensively.

Topic: Interdisciplinary studies discussion Paper details: Page 175/#2 Identify (and justify) a complex problem that disciplines by themselves are inadequate to address comprehensively. post your initial response to the question and later, respond to at least two (2) of your classmates.

What are these ? how they were met by the researchers in the 10 selected studies? Create a table like in the example.

Research ethics guidelines – what are these ? how they were met by the researchers in the 10 selected studies? Create a table like in the example. you should answer questions top of the columns for each article (overall 10). you should show critical analyse.

Discuss your personal level of effort and engagement in 145 this semester. How are you doing in the course and do you feel your understanding of diversity/ethnic studies is expanding? What do you think personally accounts for how you are doing in the course and how your understanding is expanding?

2-3 pages in MLA (double-spaced with proper page heading: full name, course ID, assignment, due date) Respond to both sets of questions (5% of your semester grade): (1) Self-assessment: Discuss your personal level of effort and engagement in 145 this semester. How are you doing in the course and do you feel your understanding of […]

Compare the various findings in your five sources. What do the studies have in common? How do they differ?

Download the blank literature review chart template . Download the example literature review chart . This contains information from only one article. Search journals and other academic resources for research that supports your research question and proposal. Record information from five resources in the literature review chart. List your name at the top of the […]

Describe the type of research designs, the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, and the appropriateness of the statistical analyses used to address their research questions.

For this assignment, you will conduct a review of the literature and summarize the findings. You will evaluate a minimum of six peer-reviewed research articles and identify what has already been done in this area, what gaps exist in the current literature (if any), any ethical considerations for conducting research in this area, and any […]

Discuss:How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?

Use this document to organize the content from your four studies into your final draft. Quantitative and Quantitative Studies Background Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question. How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose? Discuss how these articles will be used to answer your […]