What type of conflict does your team have with you as their general manager?

Overview of Management and Leadership -IP Scenario: You have been working as a general manager for a small gasket company for several years. You have been able to increase the company’s sales from $10 million 3 years ago to $17 million last year. However, several of your employees are starting to complain. The owner of […]

Discuss what is meant by the statement “withdrawal tends to be an incremental process” and discuss what could you do as a manager to employ withdrawal-reducing strategies.

Voluntary turnover happens for many reasons and is one way that employees withdraw. Withdrawal means separating oneself from one’s current situation, that is, a means of escape when dissatisfied or fearful. They are actions intended to place physical or psychology distance between employees and their work environments. 1) Identify three examples of the main character […]

Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic today and if so, explain your reasoning.

Power tactics are used toward superiors, peers, and subordinates. Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic […]