Discuss any differences between the capital structures of the firms based in the United States versus those of the foreign companies in your portfolio.

Unit VIII Final Project of All Work of Short-Term Asset and Liability Management In a separate Word document, respond to the prompts below. Discuss any differences between the capital structures of the firms based in the United States versus those of the foreign companies in your portfolio. Do any of the companies in your portfolio […]

. What is your overall opinion of this company based on the limited analysis completed via the four ratios? Feel free to mention any questions that you feel should still be considered in view of the ratios or the changes from one year to the next.

The requirements for the ratio analysis section are as follows. 1. Compute the following for each of the two most recent years. • Profit margin • Return on shareholders’ equity • Current ratio • Interest coverage ratio 2. Document your work by properly citing items such as the following. • The website for the company […]