How can a firm like LEGO utilize knowledge sharing to promote additional alliance opportunities?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 13 of the course textbook and review the closing case in Chapter 13 Subsidiary Initiative at LEGO North America. Bring the case current by reviewing LEGO further and describing additional alliances for LEGO, since the 1999 alliance with Lucas films. Answer three of the following […]

Describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country.

Choose a city in one of the following countries: Taiwan, Spain, Uruguay, Australia, or Turkey. Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in […]

Create a PowerPoint presentation on the management of working capital for a multinational business.

Create a PowerPoint presentation on the management of working capital for a multinational business. The presentation should cover the following topic: • Operating and cash cycle • Repositioning funds between parent and subsidiary  • Managing receivables • Managing inventory • Financing working capital