Discuss one physical property of the substance you selected (Explain).

respond to the following with 300 words : Part II: Find an example of matter near you. Detail: Its physical state, and whether it is a pure substance or a mixture. Discuss one physical property of the substance you selected (Explain). Discuss one chemical property of the substance you selected (Explain). Note: Be sure your […]

How would you go about convincing the owner that the smart thing to do right now is to create a marketing strategy?

You just started a new job with a twenty-five-employee small business. By accident, you found out that the company does not have a clear marketing strategy. So far, the company has been lucky with its product sales, but you have a feeling that things will not continue at the same pace for much longer because […]

Is there any problem with the drafting of this provision? What could be done to clarify the language?

Answer BOTH questions below. 1) List three provisions in a contract that would be material, and two that would not be. 2) Blair Co.’s top officers asked an investment bank to find a buyer for the company. The bank sent an engagement letter to Blair with the following language: If, within 24 months after the […]

Which sections do you feel most confident about and why? What still needs the most work?

Discusion board For this discussion forum, you’ll reflect meaningfully on the first draft of your midterm project proposal. Specifically, you need to post: 1) At least one paragraph summarizing what you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of the draft. Which sections do you feel most confident about and why? What still needs the […]

Give conflict that may occur between elected officials who are policy makers and those in a bureaucracy that implement policy

Final Exam You have read or reviewed the presentation of a number of classics in public administration. Your texts have provided a substantial overview of public governance. The authors have introduced you to the conflict that may occur between elected officials who are policy makers and those in a bureaucracy that implement policy. But what […]