What changes can you make that will result in improvement?

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Template Part 1: The purpose of Part 1 is for you to focus on your selected topic and start thinking about your plan. In 300-500 words, address the following key questions: What are you trying to accomplish? (The aim statement). How will you know if the change is an improvement? (What measures of […]

Describe specific steps you can take to change each of these negative behaviors into positive choices that will improve your overall wellness.

Topic: Health and safety You’ve explored many different elements of health, safety, and overall wellness. In this assignment, you will reflect on how your own behaviors and lifestyle choices can either help you achieve your goals or hinder your success. Write a 1-2 page paper in which you complete the following tasks: Identify three elements […]

What went well regarding the PR response to the situation-What might you have recommended improving the response?

Uber Success Brings Uber Public Relations Problems Write an 800-word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response. (See PDF; pgs 2-6) Address the following questions as well: What went well regarding the PR response to the situation? What might you have […]

How many people do you anticipate going through your program? How do you come to this conclusion-What are you basing this on? (max. 100 words)

Victimology What group are you going to help, and why? Back up your claims with evidence (what do data/studies show?). (max. 300 words). Explain the theoretical reasoning behind the rationale of your program. (max. 200 words). How will victims become aware of your program? (max. 100 words) What are the specific details of your program? […]

Explain Why are the student success and graduation rates different?

Student success and high school graduation rates are a national concern. Why are the student success and graduation rates different? Step 1: To begin this assignment, research the high school you attended and find out what the demographics of the community are (average household income, average property value, race/ethnicity, median property taxes, and the most […]

Discuss What is her overall personal motivation for success? Does her calendar reflect this? Does her schedule support soft skills that are needed for her academic success?

Complete the “smartphone” template that is provided below. Make sure that you list all of Claudia’s work, family, and personal obligations on her calendar. Use details provided about Claudia’s personal and professional life in Units I and II to help you create her schedule. You can use information from your personal life to elaborate on […]

How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected.

1. How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (300-450 words) 2. Personal Statement The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you […]

Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study?Discuss

This was professor feedback “Please leave the template in their original format. The columns here are less than 1 word in width, making it impossible to navigate. Where are the the other 4 forms to be used in this unit of study? Clarifying detail is needed in an assessment to describe the instrument and what […]