What challenges do global supply chains bring to this industry whether for the companies chosen-global competitors in the industry?

Supply Chain Management Compare and Contrast: Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management Brief Introduction of the companies/industry. How does the Internet of Things play a role in the SCM process of this industry? Include specific examples on products used with IOT implementation. If the company(s) lack in IOT explain how they can capitalize on […]

What are the challenges the supply chain might run into when introducing AI-ML to the system?

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence into Supply Chain Management Research the following topic: The implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into a Supply Chain Management System. What are the advantages of incorporating AI and ML into the SCM? What are the challenges the supply chain might run into when introducing AI or ML to the […]

What processes or activities are key to Zara’s industry-leading inventory management performance?

First, use the Integrated Supply Chain Framework to map Zara’s key processes. Identify and show the company’s processes in the Supply Network, Integrated Enterprise and Market Distribution Network blocks of the framework. Next, answer the following questions based information from the case you read: Supply Chain Strategy What is meant by “marriage between manufacturing and […]

Identify 2–3 concepts from the course that you are able to say helped you the best in understanding the supply chain and logistics.

Supply Chain Unit 5 – Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 200-250 words on the following: Identify 2–3 concepts from the course that you are able to say helped you the best in understanding the supply chain and […]

What are the possible impacts-implications of a Global Supply Chain on JIT?

M7 Written Assignment 1: Impact of Global Supply Chains on JIT Implications of JIT For this assignment you will look at some implications of JIT. After reading chapter 18 in the textbook, answer the following question in a paper of no more than two (2) pages. What are the possible impacts or implications of a […]

Describe the supply chain for the product. Summarise the key features of the product’s supply chain at each of the five stages.

Assignment 1 is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of supply chains and your ability to recognise and analyse supply chain events. You are to search for and analyse information about historical supply chain events. The deliverable is a Microsoft word file, containing the descriptions and analysis of these events. The assignment is 30% […]

How can supply chain professionals utilize a supply chain strategy to gain a competitive advantage?

Unit 2 – Discussion Board Supply chain strategy includes a long-range plan for the design and ongoing management of all supply chain decisions that define the structure, function, facilities, and priorities of the supply chain. Competitive priorities differentiate companies from their competitors to gain competitive advantage. What is a supply chain strategy? How does the […]

Describing a process starting from supply chain till operation ending with a product or service

the project is to create a process diagram, describing a process starting from supply chain till operation ending with a product or service. there should be an introduction and description with an conclusion at the end.the attached photo is just an example. it can be of an organisation such as a big restaurant or garage […]