Write a two page paper about your experience in the supply chain. Think of something you purchased lately and how the processes that made that product/ transported that product or recycled that product could have been improved using supply chain ideas.

Write a two page paper about your experience in the supply chain. Think of something you purchased lately and how the processes that made that product/ transported that product or recycled that product could have been improved using supply chain ideas.

Analyze the strategic fit at Whole Foods, BOXED, and Walmart by evaluating the competitive and supply chain strategies at these firms. In addition, select two major supply chain drivers/metric and briefly compare the performance of these firms with regards to the selected drivers.

Description Analyze the strategic fit at Whole Foods, BOXED, and Walmart by evaluating the competitive and supply chain strategies at these firms. In addition, select two major supply chain drivers/metric and briefly compare the performance of these firms with regards to the selected drivers.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business model and make predictions about the likelihood of success – and define what is considered as “success”

Based on your industry analysis, you should design your business in such a way as to avoid worsening the current sustainability issues and hopefully even make a positive difference. Be creative. Ensure that it is somewhere you would like to work and that rewards you adequately for your time. Here are the points you should […]

List and describe the supply chain management processes as identified by the Global Supply Chain Forum.

QUESTION 1 The performance section of SCOR consists of two types of elements: Performance Attributes and Metrics. a) List and explain the performance attributes as outlined by SCOR. (10 marks) b) Using the performance attributes identified give an example of a performance metric associated with each attribute. (15 marks) TOTAL: 25 MARKS QUESTION 2 “corporate […]

Discuss the key elements of each case’s supply chain,What are the key capabilities or characteristics that lead to business success for (a) Zara and (b) Benetton

You should review the Zara and Benetton video cases on Blackboard. Discuss the key elements of each case’s supply chain (≈1 page) – 20 points At the time of the video cases, what are the key capabilities or characteristics that lead to business success for (a) Zara and (b) Benetton (≈2 pages max) – 60 […]

Describe the steps/changes (from product development to supply chain) that Wendelin Wiedekling took to address the crisis in the 1990s. What concepts from this class, if any, did you see being applied by the company during the transformation?

1. Describe the steps/changes (from product development to supply chain) that Wendelin Wiedekling took to address the crisis in the 1990s. What concepts from this class, if any, did you see being applied by the company during the transformation? Use the table below to start your answer; add as many rows as you need. (15 […]

Describe how your company manages inventory in the local and global marketplace. What role does warehousing and fulfillment play in its supply chain?

Describe how your company manages inventory in the local and global marketplace. What role does warehousing and fulfillment play in its supply chain? Describe the documentation you think it uses for freight movement across borders. (If you don’t know, research the type of documentation it probably needs as a function of the type of inventory […]

Describe the global supply chain ecosystem evolution and anticipated new designs for the industry in which your case study company competes.

Ecosystem Evolution and Emerging Designs Based on your research and the assigned readings, describe the global supply chain ecosystem evolution and anticipated new designs for the industry in which your case study company competes. The work you do for this discussion will fit nicely into your assignment in this unit.

Discuss what specific parts of the supply chain are vulnerable to what types of risks? What is the criticality, severity, and probability of the risk? What level of resilience is built into the supply chain system? In simpler terms, what is the plan B or plan C?

Some critical elements of Unit 7 deal vulnerability. That is, what specific parts of the supply chain are vulnerable to what types of risks? What is the criticality, severity, and probability of the risk? What level of resilience is built into the supply chain system? In simpler terms, what is the plan B or plan […]