If this is true, then what does that mean ethically about mass surveillance? 

Discussion content: Whether justified or not, surveillance technologies violate the privacy of civilians for good. “Surveillance of individuals who have not yet or have never committed a crime poses the most significant ethical dilemma”.  However, who here has not committed a crime? You Commit Three Felonies a Day Laws have become too vague and the […]

Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.

CDC Wonder The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses in a number of ways. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ (Links to an external site.) For this discussion you will: Identify one of […]

To what extent do you think that privacy and data security concerns and the potential misuse of data outweigh the potential advantages?

This is for a DrPH Advanced Analysis of Community Health Data and Surveillance in Public Health Course To prepare: • Writer, please find an article on this topic. Must be 2016 or recent and peer-reviewed • Select a published article on big data and health care that discusses trends, potential use, or issues related to […]

Compare Panoptic and post panoptic surveillance by defining and comparing them Should consist of a critical approach to surveillance practices and make a clear argument as to the objective of surveillance (i.e. control or discipline)

Make paragraphs and use some ideas of what i have written in the file uploaded below. Make sure to be critical do not be just descriptive. Try to connect your information with current examples as well to support your position. Make a paragraphs where there is the other position and confront both sides to make […]

Discuss What would it feel like to live in a society like East Germany’s? How would it compare with living in a surveillance society as depicted in The Age of AI? 250+ words

Description What would it feel like to live in a society like East Germany’s? How would it compare with living in a surveillance society as depicted in The Age of AI? 250+ words

Discuss the potential ethical issues of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) according to deontology, utilitarian, and/or virtue ethics. Then, analyze whether decreased privacy is worth increased security.

After reading this article on covert surveillance (Links to an external site.), discuss the potential ethical issues of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) according to deontology, utilitarian, and/or virtue ethics. Then, analyze whether decreased privacy is worth increased security.