Explain the religious themes, meaning, and/or symbolism that exist within the film/song.

Choose a film or song from popular culture that contains some form of religious symbolism. Try to choose one you like and are familiar with on a personal level. Explain the religious themes, meaning, and/or symbolism that exist within the film/song. Based on your opinion, why do you think religious elements were used in the […]

How is symbolism used in the setting, objects, and imagery of these stories?

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver and The Love of My Life by T.C. Boyle are both stories on the theme of love. In your opinion, what vision of love is presented by these two stories? Discuss the characters and their relationships. Discuss the portrayal of love and violence; […]

Where/how do you think this painting was inspired and in what direction did the story go?

Topic: Form & Content: What’s it TO YOU? Spend a few moments carefully observing how form and content work to create an overall look and feel in this image. Refer to the study materials to help formulate your ideas. Write out your thoughts and observations. Things to consider: Regarding form, how are the visual elements […]

What is the difference between the narrators-Do both stories ultimately deal with revenge?

COMPARE AND CONTRAST BOTH STORIES. In 300 words or more compare Poe’s two stories. Analyze both on character, plot, setting, point of view, style, themes, or symbolism, but compare and contrast both. For example, both stories deal with first-person narration. What is the difference between the narrators? Do both stories ultimately deal with revenge? Another […]

Write your opinion in a friendly way, not a formal way. Write your opinion like the way you talk with other students in the class.

Subject: Communication Symbolism & Propaganda in Popular Culture Part A watch the provided video in its entirety and then write your opinions about how it relates to the class topic(s) and how it is (or isn’t) relevant given the challenges we are facing in today’s historical moment. Write your opinion in a friendly way, not […]

Compare the play “A Doll’s House”, to modern life. How is the world different?

“A Doll’s House” One of 5 topics to choose from, based on the play “A Doll’s House”. 1. Compare the play “A Doll’s House”, to modern life. How is the world different? How is it the same? 2. Does the play, “A Doll’s House”, have a happy ending? Support your claim. 3. Compare “A Doll’s […]

Identify at least three-four passages that you believe have a relationship to each other in your observations of the story.

Follow the close reading handout and identify at least three-four passages that you believe have a relationship to each other in your observations of the story. It is okay and, in fact, good if putting these passages together requires you to make nuanced comparisons or reconcile contradictions across the passages. Based on your close observations […]

Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism.

Romanticism Poetry Need to research and write a collegiate paper of 4-5 pages in length plus a Works Cited page. The topic is below: Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. You may, for example, begin with providing a brief narrative of its development. Next, you could mention four to five notable poets […]

Explain how Golding uses symbolism in the novel to convey his ideas about the imperfection of man.

Lord of the flies Analysis Explain how Golding uses symbolism in the novel to convey his ideas about the imperfection of man. Fully explain three symbols and how they demonstrate different ideas about Golding’s theme (“the attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature”).