Discuss the significant symbols (the animals, the colors, the shield of Gawain, etc.) in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and analyze how they relate to the central theme of this medieval romance. Do not make a list. Analyze and discuss the significance of the symbol and how it relates to the theme. Be sure to identify the theme at the beginning of your essay.

Select ONE of the following 10 options A through C:
For each question, use a minimum of five quotations from the literature to prove your point, and follow each quotation with a page reference inside parentheses: “…” (367). OPTION A For Option A, use the definition below and select Option A1 OR A2 MEDIEVAL ROMANCE DEFINED: […]

Discuss the different images, symbols, or figures of speech used in a particular poem.

well-known, published (in English and in any genre) author who has lived from 1600 C.E. to the present. The student will then write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature from the selected author. For example, in the case of poetry, the student can discuss the […]

Discuss How Gustave Flaubert in “A Simple Heart” and Guy De Maupassant in “A Day in the Country” use characters, settings, symbols and narration techniques to brings out the theme of Degrading Bourgeoisie?

How Gustave Flaubert in “A Simple Heart” and Guy De Maupassant in “A Day in the Country” use characters, settings, symbols and narration techniques to brings out the theme of Degrading Bourgeoisie?

Write a clearly organized essay in which you identify the theme you see in Canto 1 of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the way symbol and/or allegory is used to develop that theme (Norton 929–934

Topic: Theme and Symbol in Medieval Literature Topic: Write a clearly organized essay in which you identify the theme you see in Canto 1 of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the way symbol and/or allegory is used to develop that theme (Norton 929–934 Paper details: Further Instructions for Topic 2: The purpose of this essay is […]

What specific symbols does the author use, and what do they mean? How do these meanings contribute to the story’s progress and help the reader better arrive at the text’s overall meaning?

English B1B Essay #1 –FictionWrite an essay aboutone of thefollowingstories: •Chinua Achebe, “Dead Men’s Path”•Alice Walker, “Everyday Use”•Ray Bradbury, “A Sound of Thunder”Your essay should focus on one of these elementsin the story you choose(the questionsbeloware meant to get you thinking and do not necessarily need to be answered in your paper):•SETTING: How does thesetting […]