Identify two appropriate evidence-based screening tools for anxiety disorders and PTSD.

Screening tools for anxiety disorder paper Goals: To identify, describe, and assess an evidence-based screening tool for anxiety disorders and PTSD in children and adolescents. 1. Identify case study attached story from the book Andrea ( Book: chapter 7, Anxiety Disorders: Understanding the Mental Health Problems of Children and Adolescents)(i.e. from a book, and peer-reviewed […]

Explain at least one additional test that you would want to ensure is provided to the client to rule out any substance induced symptoms and one additional test to rule out any medical conditions that may be influencing current symptomatology.

Abnormal Psychology Assignment 6 Allen is a 43-year-old African American male living in a rural town in west Texas. Two months ago, he was laid off from his full-time job of 7 years. Allen has been experiencing a significant amount of grief and sadness over the loss of his job. He is single, with no […]