Why do you think Kimmelman gave the title “The Accidental Masterpiece” to this book?

“The Accidental Masterpiece, On the Art of Life and Vice Versa” by Michael Kimmelman you need to get the amazon kindle app to access the book After reading the entire book provide a chapter by chapter reaction. Give a brief synopsis of the content and your reaction. Include such themes as: Why is/isn’t this about […]

Explain how the organization leadership should have responded to the event to address it and prevent or improve the response to similar occurrences in the future.

Find a news story or report about a failure in ethics or ethical leadership in a professional, organizational setting. This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following: • Explain ethical decision-making approaches and value systems. • Justify recommendations for responding to an ethical dilemma. Synopsis Find a news story or report […]

Explain ethical decision making approaches and value systems.

The synopsis is the same as the one you answered in Doctoral Dialogue 1: Doctoral Dialogue 5 Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following: Justify recommendations for responding to an ethical dilemma. Explain ethical decision making approaches and value systems. Critique ethical decisions and leadership practices. Synopsis The synopsis […]

Explain marketing channel strategy, distribution, retailers, internet, or supply chain.

Disscussion: Place Select peer-review journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Place. Keyword search terms might include one of the following: Explain marketing channel strategy, distribution, retailers, internet, or supply chain. Once you have selected your peer-reviewed journal articles, post a synopsis of the major points from the research you read.

What are some main points that you found interesting as it relates to innovative technology to enhance alliance or air cargo operations?

Visit YouTube and find a video that pertains to technology in air freight or where technology has an impact to facilitate airline alliances operations but does not explore security technology. 1. Title of the video 2. Brief synopsis of the video 3. What are some main points that you found interesting as it relates to […]

Identify the role you’ve chosen to take on for the project-Discuss why you chose that role.

Discussion Prompt: 7 Discussion Prompt: First, identify the role you’ve chosen to take on for the project. Discuss why you chose that role. Let your classmates know what story or poem you’ve chosen to write about and provide a synopsis of what your project’s essay and PowerPoint will discuss. For even further guidance, you may […]

Provide a brief synopsis of the book. Analyze concepts with emphasis on the main point.

Book Review: Tribe by Sebastian Junger Provide a brief synopsis of the book. Analyze concepts with emphasis on the main point. Demonstrate your understanding of how this reading fits into the U.S Army as a profession. The book is Tribe by Sebastian Junger. Would prefer if the writer have access to the book since only […]

What are some main points that provided information on high-tech methods of sorting, tracking, and controlling air freight shipments at Hong Kong Air Cargo?

1. Post a brief synopsis of the video. 2. What are some main points that provided information on high-tech methods of sorting, tracking, and controlling air freight shipments at Hong Kong Air Cargo? 3. Describe key points you could use if you were a manager in air cargo management.

Would you recommend this podcast-How about the podcast-at-large-Any others look interesting to you?

HEALTHCARE POLICY HEALTHCARE POLICY PODCAST PRESENTATION Description: Each student will select a single podcast that is of interest to them from the site options provided in Blackboard. Students must select a unique podcast that is directly related to health policy—state, national, or international in scope. Directions: Provide an overview of the podcast including information about […]

Prepare a solid paragraph in which you compare and contrast the information contained in the two articles .

Heredity and/or Environment A. Find one scholarly article that discusses the impact of “heredity” on the development of the traits of the human personality. Prepare a brief synopsis of the information contained in this article in APA Style with relevant in-text citations in which you include information about which traits the authors believe are most […]