Create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote a high-functioning healthcare team.

A plan to Resolve Conflict and promote collaboration Imagine that you are a leadership consultant. Using your example of conflict in your professional practice (from Week 4 Discussion 1: Conflict in the Workplace), build on the readings, videos, and peer input you received. Critically analyze the situation and create a plan that would have helped […]

Write a paper (2,250-2,500 words) that demonstrates your understanding of the primary movements in psychology psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic, transpersonal, and existential psychology (HTE).

Write a paper (2,250-2,500 words) that demonstrates your understanding of the primary movements in psychology psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic, transpersonal, and existential psychology (HTE). Your paper should provide a historical perspective for each of the movements, showcase your understanding of the key components of each, and suggest a synthesis and application of the theories. Include […]

What is the unique contribution that your study would be adding to the research area in which you are interested?

Choose a topic APA Style, have at least 5 APA approved sources (empirical papers that have actually conducted studies), literature review should be a SUMMARY and SYNTHESIS of published research in a subject area. After you review the prior research, go on to perform an integration/synthesis of the reviewed information with the new ideas that […]

Describe the predominate model/theory of leadership used by this leader.

Nurse Leader Interview Interview a master’s prepared nurse leader (chief nurse, associate chief nurse, director, supervisor, manager), a master’s prepared nurse with leadership responsibilities (nurse educator, nurse quality specialist, nurse risk manager, nurse case manager, etc.), or advanced practice nurse with leadership responsibilities (clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or nurse practitioner). Analyze the […]

Discuss the significance of the selected evidence-based practice problem.

Instructions In this assignment, you will select an evidence-based practice problem from an identified list of topics provided by your course faculty (this is the topic you selected and identified in your unit 1 discussion).  After selecting a topic from the provided list, you will develop a PICOT question around your topic. Then, you will […]

Are exerting the most or obvious pressure on the company currently?

Topic: Pestel Analysis & Synthesis for Levi Strauss This individual assignment requires you to perform an analysis of the company you have previously selected and approved by the instructor. Your paper should reflect your own original research, content and sources. Analysis: Perform a PESTEL analysis. Using your chosen company, identify Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Ecological […]

What factors might make it difficult for social workers to be unprejudiced with dealing with clients who have experienced this type of trauma and who seek services?

Integrative Reflection Paper/Biological Impact of Trauma The purpose of this paper is to integrate course material (lecture, readings, discussions) with your own reactions to and ideas about the topics, as well as with your field placement and employment experiences as they relate. The paper is expected to demonstrate comprehension, synthesis, and application of all of […]

Explain the role of the interprofessional team in facilitating improvements for a specific issue in a target population.

Sickle Cell Anemia in the Black Community CHOSEN TOPIC IS SICKLE CELL ANEMIA IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY Develop a 4-6 page position about a specific health care issue as it relates to a target vulnerable population. Include an analysis of existing evidence and position papers to help support your position. Your analysis should also present […]

What do your scores imply about your view of nurses as leaders versus managers-How are the results of this questionnaire beneficial to you as a leader?

leadership analysis paper sources 2: Leadership and nursing care management 6TH EDITION by ELSEVIER and introduction to leadership 5th edition by NORTHOUSE. Complete the assigned readings and the “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Northouse, Chapter 1. (the book is introduction to leadership 5th edition) The Leadership Analysis Paper should be approximately three to four pages long, […]

Was the content innovative or simply a “commonsense” approach to the contemporary work environment?

Case Study 6.1: Netflix Neck et al. Chapter 6 Introduction What does it mean to be a game-changer? In 2012, an internal PowerPoint at Netflix outlining new employee practices achieved “viral” status. Sandberg, the organization’s COO said it “may well be the most important document ever to come out of [Silicon] Valley.” As you read […]