What is ‘penal populism’ and how has it influenced punishment in England and Wales over the last 30 years?

Punishment in Society Summative assessment : Essay (2000 words) By the end of the unit, students will be able to: Evaluate justifications for punishment and the challenge posed by abolitionist critiques. Synthesise and critique a range of theoretical perspectives which explain the nature of punishment and how punishment in societies has evolved. Understand different types […]

Does utilising creative resources in blended learning sessions improve the learner’s self-efficacy and motivation in a GCSE Maths classroom?

The report is based on Does utilising creative resources in blended learning sessions improve the learner’s self-efficacy and motivation in a GCSE Maths classroom? (Over 18 FE) The study was conducted on 5 GCSE students aged 18+ in the form off questionnaires. Task 1 assesses all learning outcomes Knowledge and Understanding 1. Critically evaluate a […]