Develop an assertion from your conclusions, and present your argument/assertion (topic) with evidence using an appeal to logos in the form of a well-developed and properly documented essay.

Question Purpose To research a topic, compile information from a variety of sources about it, synthesize that information, draw conclusions regarding that information, develop an assertion from your conclusions, and present your argument/assertion (topic) with evidence using an appeal to logos in the form of a well-developed and properly documented essay.  

What was most/least interesting-How does this past chapter relate to other chapters?

Module 6 Reflections and Connections (Module 6 Week 6) Chapter 6: 1. Understand models of health and well-being 2. Examine the importance of patient engagement 3. Evaluate the causes of health disparities 4. Develop a comparison of population health and public health 5. Recognize the impact of behavioral health on our healthcare system Need to […]

How do supply chains for service organizations differ from supply chains for manufacturing organizations?

Supply Chain Quality Management 1. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper 2. Demonstrate clear, insightful critical thinking of the topic and provide a detailed evaluation of the issues. Compare, contrast and synthesize the overall topic. 3. Discuss the theory of supply chain quality management. 4. Discuss strategies for leveraging supply chain management. 5. […]

How does this chapter relate to your life/ experiences you have had/ knowledge from other courses?

Module 1 – Reflections and Connections 1. A brief description of the material covered in the chapter; connect the material to the module learning objectives 2. Your thoughts on the material (use the following questions as a guide for your thinking, not as questions that you are required to answer): What was most/least interesting? How […]

What does the case law reveal that an average citizen can use in terms of self-defense and deadly force?

Research the case law and statutory law behind self-defense and the use of deadly force. What does the case law reveal that an average citizen can use in terms of self-defense and deadly force? How is that different than what a law enforcement officer can do? Provide a detailed analysis of the case law in […]

What will be the new product competitive pricing strategy-How will it complement the objectives?

Develop a brand presentation of 8 -12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Requirements You are to develop a brand presentation including the following elements based on your research, […]

How did the expansion of civil rights fail to address racism and poverty in the US?

ASSIGNMENT 2 Carefully review your research questions, outline, and map to compose a 2000-3000 word research paper that accomplishes the following: Clearly and explicitly state your research questions Carefully review the resources that you previously mapped Synthesize and summarize these resources, providing clear and precise attributions and citations Analyze and explain how this info does […]

Describe solution strategies that might help the organization continue to improve.

A Tale of Two Mergers Carefully read and analyze the following case study: Gordon, P. A. (2015). Tale of two mergers: A case study in leading change. Journal of Business Case Studies (Online), 11(2), 87. Then use the following prompts to structure your report: Describe aspects of a cultural web relevant to this scenario. Apply […]

Analyze how diverse ways of knowing heightens leaders’ abilities to enhance the future of organizations.

Gathering and Analyzing Input This assessment will measure your progress in mastering the following course competencies: Analyze how diverse ways of knowing heightens leaders’ abilities to enhance the future of organizations. Assess the value of statistical thinking when leading complex organizations through change. Evaluate how systems thinking impacts knowledge sharing across organizations and sector boundaries. […]