How is the body affected by the disease-Explain in detail the cells, organs, organ systems affected by this disease.

Syphilis Slide 1- Introduction Description of the disease. Include a picture Slide 2- History of the Disease Where was the disease first discovered? Who discovered it? Where, How? Include a picture with this part. Slide 3- Who is affected by this disease? Age group, gender, cultural group who is most at risk or affected by […]

Discuss What part of the study was most personally impactful to you?connect all 3 ethical principles of the Belmont Report to the violation of those principles in the study.

Watch the Belmont Report video. Explore the CDC site for the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, include the menu items to the left of the home page. Create a video that answers the following questions: a) What part of the study was most personally impactful to you? and 2) connect all 3 ethical principles of the Belmont […]