Identify the functional dependencies that exist in the above figure.

Database Exercise Instructions: 1) Describe functional dependency only; NOT full functional dependency, or partial dependency, or transitive dependency. Hint – review the Functional Dependencies Topic in the Terms and Concepts discussion. While you may incorporate the formal definition, you must explain the concept in your own words, using fields names and values from this exercise. […]

What are the real or perceived impacts of the problem?

ORGANIZATIONAL READINESS ASSESSMENT Meet with teams associated with your practice problem to gather information about the problem. With the guidance of the team, answer the following questions: What is the practice problem? What are the real or perceived impacts of the problem? Is the problem defined correctly? Who are the stakeholders? Consider the following: Are […]

Give the class your overall impression of the crime/video.

Here’s the video : Part 1- posted here. One of our essay questions asked you to explain the 4 types of evidence. Watch this video and keep track of the types of evidence utilized in this crime. Then in any format (table, bullet itemstetc.) List the specific type of evidence under the 4 categories […]

What do you see as some of the barriers HR professionals face in their efforts to be viewed as true business partners?

HR professionals are often heard requesting a “seat at the table.” In other words, they have a desire to be viewed as a strategic business partner who is helping to drive change and implement policy. What do you see as some of the barriers HR professionals face in their efforts to be viewed as true […]

Select an organization that you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis on the business.

Select an organization that you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis on the business. In addition to the SWOT table, be sure to also provide a write-up that discusses each of the elements you included in your SWOT table. Reference material should be incorporated and cited to support your thoughts as appropriate. Deliverables […]

Is this set truth-functionally consistent or inconsistent? Construct a complete truth table to evaluate. Cite the definition in your justification. { (A & B) & C,   C V (B V A),   A <-> ( B -> C ) }

Construct a complete truth table for each of the following formulas. Note the main connective at the top, and beneath the table  say whether it is truth-functionally true, false, or indeterminate, citing the appropriate definition as justification. ( C V ~ ~ E ) -> ( ~ E -> C ) [ ( ( C […]