Prepare a dashboard demonstration in either a screen capture video ORdocument format (described below) that is designed to illustrate the capabilities of your dashboard.

Course Project: Creating an Interactive Exploratory Dashboard Background Information Dashboard design principles and techniques will be covered in Lesson 8 (Week 9). Work on the Course Project will begin at that time. Goal: Leveraging the design principles and techniques learned so far in the course, you are to create an interactive, exploratory dashboard that includes […]

repare and clean the data, if necessary, and summarize any relevant findings in an effective visualization. 

Case Study Part VII: Telling the Story Step 1: Download the Case Study Part VII Survey dataset. Step 2: Explore the Survey Data USB decided to survey their customers, and the survey results are included in the dataset provided. Explore the data and note the responses and the variables included in the survey. Prepare and […]

Describe which components of your computer system support how data is stored and retrieved.

You have just been hired to work in the HIM department at a local employer. Your boss has requested your input on the type of computer system you would like to have. Using the Internet, search for the best laptop or PC to meet your work needs. Justify why this is the best choice to […]