Describe why chaining (forward/backward/total task analysis) tactic may be necessary

Question Describe why chaining (forward/backward/total task analysis) tactic may be necessary: Operationally define the learning behavior to be addressed by this tactic (i.e., What is the problem being addressed by this tactic?) Describe how this tactic would be implemented (i.e., What is the procedure? What materials would be needed for this tactic? Who would be […]

Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic today and if so, explain your reasoning.

Power tactics are used toward superiors, peers, and subordinates. Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic […]