Discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team.

Identify, discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team. As a minimum include (a) negotiators, tactical team members, and health care/mental health professionals. Make sure to discuss (in specifics) what each brings to the team and how they can or and should be used. As part of the latter, include a […]

Why do you think the controls you selected as ineffective, were ineffective?

First, think of an incident of business fraud or scandal in the news, or choose one that has been mentioned in your reading. Research the scandal, paying close attention to how it was possible for whatever went wrong to happen. Were there controls in place that should have prevented the scandal or fraud from happening? […]

Do the tactical actions support the strategic focus of the brand?

9.3 – Assignment: Final Marketing Plan Submission (PLG1) You should now have a complete draft of your marketing plan. Thoroughly review your draft sections of your plan and make any revisions as necessary. Is the marketing mix strategy congruent? Do the tactical actions support the strategic focus of the brand? Are the communications integrated and […]

Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today.

Statement of Purpose Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us […]

Why do you think the controls you selected as ineffective, were ineffective-Why do you think the business didn’t have sufficient controls in place? What was management’s role in the failure of the controls?

First, think of an incident of business fraud or scandal in the news, or choose one that has been mentioned in your reading. Research the scandal, paying close attention to how it was possible for whatever went wrong to happen. In your post, specify the scandal you chose, and you MUST include in your post […]

Describe what could be in a Tactical Operations Center Standing Operating Procedure-why it is essential within Mission Command.

Mission Command; Civil Authorities Answer the following questions using at 150 words. 1. Describe what could be in a Tactical Operations Center Standing Operating Procedure and why it is essential within Mission Command. 2.What is the Department of Defense’s role in Defense Support of Civil Authorities?

Formulate a strategic marketing plan justified by the findings of your research and analysis. The timescale for the strategic marketing plan is to be determined by you, depending on the issues/opportunities understood within the analysis.

ASSIGNMENT DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment is to be read in conjunction with Surfdome Company Information in the Appendix. This is an individual assessment where you are required to: 1. Conduct secondary research to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the Surfdome industry sector. 2. Identify and evaluate the strategic options for Surfdome 3. Formulate a strategic […]