How you can differentiate between a price skimming and a market penetration pricing strategy.

Discussion 1 Read the following statement: “Ethics provides accountability between the public and the administration” Test your Knowledge (Question): Does ethics provides accountability between the public and the administration” Subject MGT323 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link: Test your Knowledge (Answer the following Questions): Why Scheduling of Resources is important in […]

How will these tactics help you with your leadership development?

Journal Entry Requirements: Your journal entry is not for reciting facts, it is a self-reflection on what you have learned and how you plan to use or have used the information. Use concepts from the leadership text as must as possible to guide your journal writing. You are required to complete a journal entry each […]

What tactics have you seen work and what have you seen fail?

Real world work situations can result in some of the best learning experiences that we retain as life lessons. In an online environment, it can be difficult to pass on things with informal communication to each other. For this discussion board, Sometimes it’s the simplest thing that can make the difference between a horrible boss […]

How can you use the similarities you identified to your advantage in your communications?

Scenario: Your company is undertaking a new business venture in another country. Your boss has told you they want you to oversee this venture. You are excited about the opportunity, and you want to ensure the people you interact with are working harmoniously with you. Peruse the Discussion Question resources. Select your home country and […]

Discuss some employer tactics used to prevent or minimize union membership growth prior to the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935.

Discuss some employer tactics used to prevent or minimize union membership growth prior to the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Which, if any, of these tactics would be lawful today? Why, or why not? Discuss why unions are important in the workplace. Examine the challenges for unions and employers in the […]

what are some possible situations and tactics you would want the new employees to be prepared for as they start their job?

Handling Challenging Customers Prepare a 200-300 word document as if you were the manager of a customer service department orienting newly hired employees on aspects of dealing with challenging problems and difficult customers. Based on this unit’s readings, what are some possible situations and tactics you would want the new employees to be prepared for […]

Create an attractive marketing plan for your own personal and/or professional brand, i.e., “Brand You.”

Topic: Final Marketing yourself Typical marketing plans require marketers to assess their own sets of resources, evaluate the marketplace, determine their target market(s), and then create a set of reasonable objectives (goals) with an accompanying set of appropriate strategies and tactics to reach those objectives. For this assignment, you will create an attractive marketing plan […]

Identify and explain what tools are applicable externally with vendors

Training manual week 4 For this unit’s assignment, you are to add the following section to your draft: Quality Tactics and the Logistics and Supply Chain Functions (300–400 words) Identify what tools are applicable internally and why Identify and explain what tools are applicable externally with vendors Include your cited references from three new sources

What are the typical union organizing strategies and tactics today, and how effective are they?

Labor management relations unit 3 topic selection Overview Choose a topic from the list provided and write a narrative describing why you chose the topic. 1. a. What is the stereo typical image of unions today, and how is it affecting union organization? b. What are the typical union organizing strategies and tactics today, and […]

What do we mean by ethics and why do they matter in negotiation-What questions of ethical conduct arise in negotiation?

Ethical Negotiations For this week’s assignment, review the article: Ethical Negotiations: 10 Tips to Ensure Win-Win Outcomes: (Links to an external site.) Build 10 PowerPoint slides: 1. Introduction Slides 2. 8 descriptive slides minimum for the body 3. Summary slide Present your personal/professional negotiation experiences using what is captured in your course materials and […]