Write and present a 3 – 5 minute demonstration speech on a topic they are familiar  with and can demonstrate to the class

Demonstration Speech Write and present a 3 – 5 minute demonstration speech on a topic they are familiar  with and can demonstrate to the class. Topics will be approved by the professor. The use of props is required. Think of a topic that will interest the target audience (the class). A preparation  and presentation outline […]

What would the target audience look for in an advertisement for the company? 

GRA 280 Module Two Activity Template In this activity, you will define a problem statement and analyze the design needs based on the target audience attributes given in the Module Two Activity Design Brief. Use this template to complete the activity. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Analyze how the advertisement does not address […]

Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

Can We Talk Respond to the following: Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts. Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

What is your personal and/or professional connection to your target audience?

Interventions for Preventing Falls in Older People Living in a Community In conducting an educational presentation (Falls Prevention) in an Assisted Living Facility: What are the processes and the criteria you will use to select your target audience? What is your personal and/or professional connection to your target audience?