What is your impression of this student and why?

Imagine you are the hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company in the Finance sector. Getting hired to this company is a very competitive endeavor. A candidate arrives for their interview with multiple piercings, hair that is dyed blue, visible tattoos, and casual attire. The student is in their senior year, maintains a 3.9 G.P.A. […]

What did this experience show you about communicating nonverbally? How might this experience affect how you interact in the future? How do you feel verbal and nonverbal communication differ after doing this exercise? Does nonverbal communication enhance or distract?

Discussion 14: Nonverbal Observation  Directions I’d like for each of you to spend a few minutes watching someone in a public setting for the sole purpose of observing nonverbal clues.Do not choose someone you already know, such as a group of friends, family, your children, etc.Choose people who are at least teenagers or older. For example, […]