Explain how the tax base is calculated according to Article (6) of the income tax law

Assignment Question(s):(15.0 Marks) (Three Questions Each Question Carries five Marks) List taxable persons according to Article (2) of the income tax law Explain how the tax base is calculated according to Article (6) of the income tax law What is Withholding tax and its rates according to Article (68) of the income tax?  

Prepare a critical thinking analysis to determine whether the sale of the cottage would be considered business income or a capital gain.

Using MICROSOFT Excel ONLY, respond to the following requirements. All work must be shown to obtain full marks. Prepare a critical thinking analysis to determine whether the sale of the cottage would be considered business income or a capital gain. If you determine the sale would be a capital gain, then determine whether it would […]

What effect do these have on the determination of income taxes payable?

A deferred tax liability (or asset) is described as the tax effect of the temporary difference between the financial statement carrying amount (book value) of an asset or liability and its tax basis. Explain this tax effect of the temporary difference. How might it produce a deferred tax liability? A deferred tax asset? Temporary differences […]

Identify how you came up with that number-what a dependent, a dependent.And then the use of standard versus itemized deductions. 

Assisting a family with their tax returns How you took info from client and prepared their tax computations from it, show if there’s income, etc. Line by line what you’ve included to come up with their taxable income.  Don’t show summary of taxable income.  You can put into table to show how you determine the […]