Discuss how diversity, equity and inclusion are correlated with business performance.

Action Areas for International Finance Developed over half a century ago, event study is a research method that continues to gain popularity and acceptance as an important tool in the field of finance. In recent years, event studies have evaluated the impact of corporate, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic shocks on stock prices for a single […]

What happens to consumer and producer surplus when the sale of a good is taxed?

Taxation and International trade Answer the following questions: What happens to consumer and producer surplus when the sale of a good is taxed? How does the change in consumer and producer surplus compare to the tax revenue? Explain How do the elasticities of supply and demand affect the dead weight loss of a tax? Why […]

Explain what your analysis of returns suggests about each market’s performance and how that might affect decisions on where to list.Justify your response.

5-2 Project Risks and Returns. Use this section to analyze the risks and returns of different investment instruments in the U.S. and non-U.S. markets you selected. You may find it helpful to use online brokerage aids or other tools in conducting this analysis. Specifically, you should: A. Investment Instruments. Review stock, bond, mutual fund, and […]

Describe how these special characteristics of services could impact on a business offering accounting and taxation services to business and personal clients.

The existence of intangibility, inconsistency, inseparability and perishability (inventory) in many service contexts are considered to present a number of challenges to services marketers not encountered by marketers of tangible products. Describe how these special characteristics of services could impact on a business offering accounting and taxation services to business and personal clients. In your […]

Explain how the Social Security system’s basic principles are different from private insurance.

Applying Economics to the Real World Select two of the three cases presented below and prepare a three-page written analysis of each case (six pages total). These case studies provide real-world application to concepts you have studied during this course. Case 1: Government Spending and Taxation Read Special Topic 1, pages 404 through 418 of […]

How dividends can be taken to be a tax efficient method of renumeration

Taxation is an important consideration for all businesses. Critically analyse different methods for business owners to legally limit their exposure to taxation. use real industry examples as part of the evaluation and comparison. This essay could include short sections on a) differences in rates between Scotland and England b) how dividends can be taken to […]

Would you anticipate that spending on medical care would be reduced by 43 percent as well-Would you anticipate any change in medical care spending?

Some policy advocates have called for the taxation of employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI) as just another form of employee compensation. At least one study has suggested that expenditures on ESHI would decrease by as much as 43 percent. Would you anticipate that spending on medical care would be reduced by 43 percent as well? Would […]

What are some impacts of the head of household filing status benefits-detriments both intended-unintended?

Individual Taxation-Income, Exclusions, and Filing Status What are the fundamental purposes of filing statuses in the tax system? Which of Adam Smith’s principles of taxation do filing statuses provide to the tax system? Why? Who in our society would benefit or suffer if the head of household filing status is eliminated? address both groups What […]

Identify and describe the generic professional skills that employers require in the area of financial accounting.

Description You are required to: 1. Identify and describe the generic or professional skills that employers require in the area of financial accounting. You should consult:at least five academic journal articles, although eight articles will ensure better coverage of the research Professional sources and books can be used in support, but not instead of academic […]

Critically evaluate the aspects on UK tax regime for efficiency and effectiveness – on individuals, partenrships, corporations and society

c) Apply taxation principles and techniques in various practical situations d) Critically evaluate the aspects on UK tax regime for efficiency and effectiveness – on individuals, partenrships, corporations and society Subject – specific Skills e) Develop ethical tax planning and guidance to clients on a range of complex scenarios – both individual and corporate f) […]