Analysis of how you ensure inclusion as part of your role. Review if have you been effective in your inclusive practice (Unit 5: AC 5.1).

Task 1 (Unit 1: AC 1.1; Unit 4: AC 1.1, 1.2; Unit 5: 3.1, 5.1): You are required to write an essay on your role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer. The essay must be broken down into the following sections: 1. A concise introduction to your role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer (Unit 5: AC […]

Compare and contrast what the student expected to learn from the experience, and how reality differed from that expectation.

Question Students will be required to interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. The purpose of the interview should be to learn more about the immigrant’s feelings and lived experience. As a first suggestion, consider interviewing someone you know: Think first about your parents, grandparents or other relatives […]

Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Clinical Field Experience: Connection Across the Curriculum, Curricular Goals, and Community Following your observation, outside of classroom hours, review your notes on the lesson plan and discuss the following with the teacher you observed. Add any pertinent information to your notes, such as: What is the teacher’s pre planning process? How do they ensure their […]

What instructional decisions is the teacher making?

Classroom Practice Reflection 2 Choose a math, science, or social studies lesson from these instructional videos. Link: (you can choose an age group and topic that interests you). Then, write a brief (about two or three double-spaced pages) typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections. (Note that […]

What abilities or skills or characteristics or habits of students are better for online learning?

Topic: Online learning vs traditional classroom base learning Online learning vs traditional classroom-based learning: Compare and contrast from a student’s perspective. At this point we have all had at least some experience with online learning, and a lifetime of experience with the other kind. From your perspective as a student, what are the similarities and […]

What qualities do you have that will make you an effective teacher-Describe why these qualities will make you an effective teacher.

When you think of a teacher of young children, What do you see in your mind? What is the Teacher like? What qualities or strengths does he/she/they have? What qualities do you have that will make you an effective teacher. Describe why these qualities will make you an effective teacher. Part 2 Watch the video […]