Describe the resources you would provide to enhance learning.

Developmental teaching plan NURS110 The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to apply the nursing process while planning education to meet the needs of patients. Develop a teaching plan based on an assigned scenario, case, or client interview. Determine what elements you would include in your assessment of the learner. […]

Explain methods that would be used to evaluate learning outcomes.

Develop a teaching plan based on an assigned scenario, case, or client interview. Determine what elements you would include in your assessment of the learner. Identify anticipated or expected learner needs. Select and prioritize evidence based teaching strategies that would best meet the needs of the learner. Describe the resources you would provide to enhance […]

What is a learning activity for each approach that would promote functional competence?

Week 4 Discussion post The focus is teaching study skills and applied academics to exceptional learners. Consider the three general approaches to teaching applied academics (school-based, community-based, and home-based instruction). 1. What is a learning activity for each approach that would promote functional competence? 2. How might applied academics influence a student’s transition plan? 3. […]

How can we adjust certain aspects that are too time consuming and that focus too much on the individual so that the whole class can benefit from it?

Extended Teaching Philosophy: Adjusted Community Language learning For this assignment, you are responsible for writing your own teaching philosophy based on what you have learned over the course of the semester. Your teaching philosophy should synthesize (not summarize) what you learned. Your philosophy should be supported by ideas from class readings, presentations, and discussions, but […]

Describe the rewards you find in teaching. How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in your personal teaching style?

to share your personal feelings and beliefs about teaching, including a description of what makes you an outstanding teacher. Describe the rewards you find in teaching. How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in your personal teaching style? Essay responses should be equivalent to two pages of double-spaced text, 12-point font. focusing on their most […]

Discuss Advantage and disadvantage of using constructivism teaching approach comparing to another teaching approach such as behaviourism and connectivism.

Description Assessment: Critical analysis of learning theory and model-based practice. Provide a critical evaluation of learning theory and cognate pedagogical models. You should choose one theoretical approach, and relevant pedagogical models to support your argument. In particular, you should offer an in-depth analysis of the impact that a research informed approach to learning and teaching […]

Explain how the assessment data would guide future planning and instruction to meet the needs of individual students and promote student growth.

• Explain the implementation of the instructional strategies and how they reinforced math concepts to young children. • Analyze students’ assessment outcomes and describe the patterns and gaps in learning. • Explain how the assessment data would guide future planning and instruction to meet the needs of individual students and promote student growth. • Discuss […]