Describe the technique you selected and why you find it especially compelling as a research method.

This week we will look at how we have gotten to know what we do about the brain. Chapter 5 in your textbook discusses a number of research techniques used to study the brain. ( For this week’s discussion, choose one of these techniques and visit the PubMed Central ( web page to find an […]

What life experiences have you had that will help you understand and make contact with group members who have different worldviews from yours?

Group Counseling: Cultural Self Portrait Take an inventory of your current level of awareness, knowledge, and skills that have a bearing on your ability to function effectively in multicultural situations by reflecting on these questions. Summarize your reflections with a 750-1000 essay. Use APA format. 1. Are you aware of how your own culture influences […]

How does Horizontal Violence impact self-care, patient care, and other members of the healthcare team?

Module 6. Discussion Board. Professional Identity. Use the link below to access background information of the video. Azariev, M., Darkwah, A., Hope-Gilpo, M., Langille, J., Moodie, K., & Reid, Thomas, B. (2011) What is Horizontal Violence . Read the proceeding article What is Horizontal Violence and watch the video. (Links to an external site.) […]

What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risk?

Discussion: Building a health history To prepare: Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. To prepare: (a) How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient? […]

Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism.

Romanticism Poetry Need to research and write a collegiate paper of 4-5 pages in length plus a Works Cited page. The topic is below: Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. You may, for example, begin with providing a brief narrative of its development. Next, you could mention four to five notable poets […]

How effectively does the RFP describe what the issuing organization expects to see in the proposal-Is it relatively general or specific?

Thermodynamics Read Chapter 16. Go to and research engineering contract opportunities or a different area of interest. The Subject is already chosen so no need for the reasearch. Link : The question 2 on page 460 is : TEAM EXERCISE Form groups according to major. Using the government contracting website (, find and […]

Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism.

Romanticism Poetry Research and write a collegiate paper of 4-5 pages in length plus a Works Cited page. The topic is below: Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. You may, for example, begin with providing a brief narrative of its development. Next, you could mention four to five notable poets who fall […]

What, if any, contribution would the consumption or use of the product make to the nutrient intake, physique, or fitness level of the intended consumer?

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar EVALUATE this advertisement: Use at least 3 other scientific case studies to substantiate your comparison of the product claims vs scientific proof In-text citations should reflect author & year of the scientific source. When more than two authors are cited, “et al.,” may be used When critically evaluating […]

Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism.

Poetry of Romamticism Need to research and write a collegiate paper of 4-5 pages in length plus a Works Cited page. The topic is below: Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. You may, for example, begin with providing a brief narrative of its development. Next, you could mention four to five notable […]

Discuss specific diagnostic tests and assessment techniques (such as percussion to asses for hypo or hyper resonance) in patients with a suspected tension pneumothorax

Needle chest decompression Critically evaluate the use of performing a needle chest decompression for a patient with a Discuss specific diagnostic tests and assessment techniques (such as percussion to asses for hypo or hyper resonance) in patients with a suspected tension pneumothorax