What is the purpose of the text (to argue, inspire, cajole, etc.)-What is the topic or main argument of the essay?

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Argument Analysis Essay Assignment 1. Analyze a text for the strengths and weaknesses of its argumentation strategies. 2. Construct a successful academic essay. 3. Document the essay correctly using MLA format. Assignment: Write an essay of approximately 900 words (plus or minus 05%), demonstrating the techniques and strategies an author/authors use in […]

What is a subpoena and what should you do if you receive one as a forensic evaluator?-What should you do if you receive one as a therapist?

Final Essay Exam: Communication Skills, Tools, and Expert Witness Testimony in Forensic Psychology Answer the following 10 questions separately in essay format. 1. What is a subpoena and what should you do if you receive one as a forensic evaluator? What should you do if you receive one as a therapist? 2. Discuss 3 tactics […]

Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime.

Protection from Cyber Crime From a personal perspective, address the following. Describe the data you currently have that you consider important. Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime. Describe what you could do to better protect yourself from cyber crime. From […]

What recommendations-resources are helpful in communicating with those you are mentoring?

Reflection Practice with mentoring This week you were asked to test your skills in using the Mentoring Language, reflect with your peers how that experience went for you by answering some or all of the following questions: Is the mentoring language and Cognitive Coaching strategies new to you? If yes, how did change your approach […]

What steps could organizations take to prevent the stress process from occurring?

In your journal this week you will be discussing your own experiences with job stress. You may also discuss the stress you have experienced from school-related work. Address the following in your entry: What are some of the stressors you experience at work? How do these stressors relate to the job stressors discussed in the […]

How does the film utilize some of the techniques in the chapter especially with special effects, makeup,-optical effects?

Planet of the apes 1968 Tell me your thoughts on watching the original Planet of the Apes from 1968. What you liked. What you didn’t like. Would also like you to think about the movie in regards to the chapter we just read on Cinematography. How does the film utilize some of the techniques in […]

Describe the techniques-standards used by NIST to protect federal networks.

Formulate a discussion forum in APA 7 format using the required reading and any other reliable resources with a minimum of 250 words. Describe the techniques and standards used by NIST to protect federal networks. Evaluate the Enhanced Risk Management Models used by NIS. Provide an overview of the practicality of these models, will they […]

Discuss the key theories and framework that underpins project management

Project Management Analyse the given case study and answer the questions in an essay (1,500 words) format. The aim is to discuss the ethical dilemma presented in the case study, suggest a suitable course of action to resolve ethical dilemma, review and evaluate project management techniques applied 1. Discuss the key theories and framework that […]

What is it seeking to achieve,-to what extent does the evidence to date suggest it is succeeding and what alternative measures could be adopted?

This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes for this module: LO1: Articulate and explain core principles of economic theory at an intermediate level. LO2: Employ appropriate theoretical and analytical techniques to solve economic problems. Assignment Question Coined as the ‘Sugar Tax’, the Soft Drinks Industry Levy came into effect throughout the UK on 6 April […]

Explain the specifics of your proposal-What are your solutions to solve this problem, step by step?

Research Proposal Letter Introduction: The Problem Identify the problem, including researched information to explain it fully. You may devote more than one paragraph to describe the problem if needed. To determine the extent of the information you must provide about the problem, consider the letter recipient’s understanding of the problem. Body: Your Proposal Explain the […]