Discuss What tools and techniques have you learned in this course? How do you intend to apply these concepts in your workplace? Of the tools and techniques you have learned, which did you consider to be most important? Why?

In a 3-page APA formatted paper (not including title page, table of contents, or references), reflect on what you have learned and how you will apply and develop your knowledge. Focus specifically on answering the following questions in your paper: What tools and techniques have you learned in this course? How do you intend to […]

State and describe the three techniques commonly used for monitoring flow rates?

1.A Sanitary sewer has two main functions,What are they? (100 words) 2.State and describe the three techniques commonly used for monitoring flow rates? (130 words) 3.What are the three major methods of sewer cleaning.?(130 words) 4.What is infiltration and inflow?(60 words) 5.Explain two commonly used sewer testing techniques.(120 words) 6.What are the common tools and […]

Discuss the differences between continuous recording and time-sampling measures when conducting a classroom observation measure.

Module 6 Discussion: Observation Techniques Summarize main ideas of continuous recording observation technique. Name and briefly introduce time sampling techniques including the difference between, whole interval, partial interval, and momentary interval. Discuss the differences between continuous recording and time-sampling measures when conducting a classroom observation measure. Include in your discussion the concepts of frequency, duration, […]

How could you use reinforcement principles to improve this situation? (Include techniques aimed at both the excluded children and the group.)

You are in charge of a group of fifth-grade children that meets regularly for recreation. Other members of the group have excluded a younger girl and a very shy boy from activities. How could you use reinforcement principles to improve this situation? (Include techniques aimed at both the excluded children and the group.)

Describe the techniques or strategies that are employed by the tutorial.

Search the Web for a free online tutorial that is designed to teach a topic about which you are familiar. The tutorial can be for a non-academic topic. For example, it might teach you how to use a computer application or how to knit a scarf. Include the following information in your write-up Title of […]