Identify the drivers of technological innovation.

Understand the role technological innovation plays in the competitive dynamics of industries and how technological innovation affects society both positively and negatively. Identify the drivers of technological innovation. Discover the attributes of successful innovation strategies including an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of innovation, a well-crafted innovation strategy, and a well-developed process for implementing the […]

What details does the newspaper provide that secondary sources written long after the event do not provide?

Pearl Harbor Newspaper Aricles Basic Requirements: Choose a twentieth century event one you’re interested in or one you have a personal connection to (maybe you have a family member who is a Vietnam Vet, for example) Collect 3 newspaper articles on your event (it would be a good idea, if possible, to have a national […]

How does technology innovation affect the organization and industry?

Competency 3 You have become a trusted resource for your organization, and they have asked for your advice on gaining a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond. Review the demographic […]

What factors do you believe influenced the choice of protection mechanisms used to safeguard its innovations?

Assignment 2 Weight: 15 Marks       Students are requested to read chapter 9 “Protecting Innovation” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. Based on the conceptual knowledge and understanding obtained from the readings: – 1 -Select a world-renowned company give a brief introduction and identify the legal protection mechanisms (patents copyright, trademarks & […]

What are the social and ethical threats emerging from rapid technological change?

Ethical Dilemma Assignment Objective: You will be able to demonstrate an understanding of ethics in the workplace and ethical issues in business due to personnel, technological, and or economic change. To begin this assignment, you will research, provide strategic method(s) to enhance the company’s workforce diversity or improve management of the workforce, and present an […]

Describe possible implications of environmental analysis in the creation of your strategic plan.

Environmental Analysis and Setting Strategic Goals Complete an environmental scan for the health care organization you chose in Week 2. Use the SWOT Analysis table. Your scan should: Assess the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Analyze the industry for opportunities and threats. Perform a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis helps determine performance gaps. It includes […]

What were the economic effects of this emerging technology?

You’re talking about mass murder, general, not war!” Fictional American president in the movie Dr. Strangelove The Unit 4 Assignment will further examine how the implementation of current technological innovations positively and negatively affected U.S. society. An interesting intersection of technology and society is the notion that technology can be a fix for current and […]

How someone holding a Christian worldview would interpret the change and continuity of your selected themes differently from someone holding a secular worldview.

During this course, we have learned how some features of the world’s societies have changed and how other features have remained the same by focusing on some historical themes: 1) power and authority structures; 2) revolutionary moments; 3) economic systems; 4) cultural developments; and 5) scientific/technological innovations. For your final assignment, select two of these […]

What do you understand by lean manufacturing system?

5.1Learning Outcomes: Implement technological tools in production models like forecasting, lean manufacturing and world class manufacturing (WCM) to enhance the productivity and communication with other persons involving in operation and to review their contribution to the profit. 5.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link  Test your Knowledge (Question): Q What […]

Do the changes we have experienced reaffirm the video’s ideas and predictions or are we seeing alternative work and careers in answer to technological advances that were not discussed in the video?

Humans Need Not Apply Assignment Objective: Students will explore the changes that technological advances are causing in the workplace and what innovations there will need to be to address these alterations to the work humans will be doing in the future. Connection to Module Objective: This assignment measures the module objective: Discuss how organizations can […]