What are the societal trends or technological developments that help shape the issue or problem and are there unique characteristics of the issue or issue manifested here in the San Joaquin Valley?Discuss

Identify a social welfare issue or problem and the populations affected. Why is it an issue or problem? What are the societal trends or technological developments that help shape the issue or problem and are there unique characteristics of the issue or issue manifested here in the San Joaquin Valley? Identify an ideological stance you […]

Explain, using visual analysis of one of the Jacob Lawrence’s works discussed in the video lecture, how Lawrence used Modernist visual language to express the struggles of African Americans during The Great Migration.

QUESTION 1 In Carrie Mae Weems’ Not Manet’s Type (1997), the artist positions herself within the context of Modernist art history. Why is Weems doing this? How does this work function as a greater commentary on cultural history more broadly? 20 points QUESTION 2 Brazilian painter Tarsila do Amaral was both groundbreaking in early Brazilian Modernist art and extremely problematic in the way she commodified clichés of […]

Select a specific tech development and try to imagine the reasons why the industry would both welcome and resist change? What was at stake? How did it end up changing the production and/or circulation of that specific product?

Consider that the entertainment industry depends on and fears change in technological conditions for a variety of reasons. Select a specific tech development and try to imagine the reasons why the industry would both welcome and resist change? What was at stake? How did it end up changing the production and/or circulation of that specific […]

Examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S.

Consider technological innovations and developments in your field or other fields and address both of the following questions. First, examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S. Then, discuss whether and/or how this will influence constructive and deconstructive […]

Analyze how technological advances have changed the HR environment. What technological tools enable HR managers to perform their duties more efficiently?

Topic: Analyze how technological advances have changed the HR environment. What technological tools enable HR managers to perform their duties more efficiently? Paper details: Paper must be a minimum of 3-4 paragraphs. And each paragraph needs to be a minimum of 3-4 sentences. Thank you.

What effects does workplace discipline have on morale amongst employees?  For example, why is it important for supervisors to confront ethical or rules violations at work?

Review the picture provided.   You may never see something this blatant at work, however, a work environment can sometimes feel this way.  As a supervisor, team lead, or project manager, how would you create an environment which welcomes “new ideas”?  Think about how people would be allowed to share ideas, send them in, discuss them, […]

How do you think photography has impacted the world and changed the way we see ourselves? What are some of the positive as well as negative consequences of photography?

1. Some scholars believe Paleolithic cave paintings were made to serve utilitarian functions, as opposed to being purely artistic expressions. That is, they stressed usefulness over beauty, and function (or communication) over expression. Others disagree.What are some of the theories as to their creation, significance, and use? Why do youthink they were created? What do […]

Integrate 3-4 relevant and reliable, peer-reviewed secondary sources and demonstrate the ability to summarize and paraphrase source information rather than relying on quotes

a formal, academic essay of 5-6 paragraphs, between two and ½ and three pages long, double spaced (excluding title page and References page). The paper should inform your audience about a specific, recent, and researchable change, either positive or negative Focus on a single, specific, relevant, recent, and researchable change, either positive or negative, in […]

Discuss,What products being traded now? Technological advances of each party? What are the comparative advantages of each party?

it’s a thesis final project, with a literature review (using academic bibliography) and normal (websites, OECD, journals, news, reports … as references The format: (the writer is free to ADD more sections if necessary) 1. Executive summary (1 page) 2. Introduction (2 pages) Study the trade relations between A and B 3. Literature Review (around […]