What bio-monitoring technologies should be admitted as evidence-In what way will such breakthroughs affect interpretation of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution?

  We have covered a lot of issues related to law enforcement in this class from its early evolution to current ethical and legal challenges. As an educated policing scholar, you have been asked to respond to any ONE of the following issues on the future of policing: Prospective employees face a world in which […]

Write an essay about the history of Japan where you consider its ancient samurai past, its history during the Second World War, and its present, especially how technologically advanced Japan is coping with a nuclear disaster after the Tsunami.

History of Japan and Its Present Write an essay on any one of the following subjects. Make sure you give concrete examples from the readings, and check for grammar and sentence-structure problems. You should have 5-6 paragraphs including an introduction, body-paragraphs and a conclusion. Feel free to incorporate photos/images to support your essay. History of […]