What methods can events and venues employ to compete with the attractiveness and convenience of at-home technology and continue to bring fans to the live event experience?

Debate Event Platforms Assignment CHAPTER 12: Conduct a student debate exploring the pros and cons of watching an event on television and attending an event in person. Identify the overlap in the experiences as well as the unique aspects of each. How can an event that is not televised be presented in a way that […]

Do you agree with this statement-Explain your position.

This week you were introduced to environmental science. With some of your background knowledge, and what you have learned from your readings, consider the following statement: The world will never run out of resources because we can use technology to find substitutes; this will help us reduce resource waste. Do you agree with this statement? […]

What services provided by this community of leaders might be helpful to a new graduate seeking a job in HIT?

HIMSS Professional Organization Assignment Assignment Instructions 1. Complete the free student membership process. Link: HIMSS Sign-Up (https://marketplace.himss.org/membership/oa-sign-up) 2. Review the HIMSS website to understand better the organization’s mission and opportunities for professional growth. The link to the main website is HIMSS (https://www.himss.org/) 3. Submit a one-page paper (minimum 200-250 words) to include the following: Summary […]

Discuss what training programs are needed for educating staff on policies of use of technology, patient privacy and social media.

Module5 discussion Discussion Question: Discuss what training programs are needed for educating staff on policies of use of technology, patient privacy and social media. Consider what training to provide to new employees and what ongoing training may be necessary.

How can medical drones improve safety in the undeveloped communities during COVID-19?

Medical Drone Technology Slide 1 Give a description of medical drone technology in undeveloped communities during COVID-19. How can medical drone technology make a positive impact during COVID-19? Slide 2 How can medical drones improve safety in the undeveloped communities during COVID-19?

Explain how a human service professional might use community-based services, both outreach and wraparound services, to help the client resolve some or all their issues.

Explain how a human service professional might use community-based services, both outreach and wraparound services, to help the client resolve some or all their issues. How will technology be used to benefit the process?

What is the proposed solution for the implementation issues of ERP systems in water corporations?

Explain the critical issues that face a water corporation when implementing ERP systems solutions. CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society. What is the proposed solution for the implementation issues of ERP systems in water corporations? CLO1: Explain the significance of […]

analysis categorizes an organization’s top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into an organized list and is usually presented in a simple two-by-two grid.

A SWOT analysis categorizes an organization’s top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into an organized list and is usually presented in a simple two-by-two grid. Tasks: From the following list of possible corporate threats, select one (1): A disconnected, and less loyal, customer base Being leap-frogged by competitor’s technology Breach of data/privacy issues Company’s business […]

Describe and provide examples of the following types of instructional strategies:

Instructional Strategies Presentation Exam Content Instructional strategies can be considered the vehicle for delivering instruction to help students achieve learning goals. Every teacher in every classroom is responsible for promoting student learning, and in order to do this, a teacher must have an “instructional strategy tool belt” of sorts, to utilize the most appropriate instructional […]