Summarize how you might be changing an organization to treat failure more like Obeng describes in the video.

Click on the link to watch the TED Talk. Obeng talks about our ever-changing world, how our learning has changed and the importance of smart failure. Answer the following Questions. 1. Explain how you perceive failure 2. Recall how others you’ve worked with in the past have dealt with failure in themselves as well as […]

Describe a time when you had difficulty balancing your professional responsibilities with your personal responsibilities (family, personal wellbeing, service to community, etc.).

Choose one of the following TED talks to review and discuss below: Jessica Shortall: How America Fails New Parents — and Their Babies Glen Henry: What I’ve learned being a stay at home dad Using the video you watched, answer the following questions: Describe a time when you had difficulty balancing your professional responsibilities with […]

Explain how robots have taken inventory management to new levels of efficiency.

View and analyze the Ted talk: Explain how robots have taken inventory management to new levels of efficiency. What surprised you about the inventory process described by the TED presenter? Explain and support your response.