What practical steps can school counselors take to meet their legal and ethical responsibilities to students in light of these caseloads?

The first one is, Parents are naturally protective of the privacy of their families and are frequently uncomfortable with school personnel having access to private family information. They are also rightfully concerned about what happens to their children at school. How can school counselors respect those wishes and yet still serve adolescent students who want […]

Who or what taught you the most about sexuality when you were a child and teenager? What lessons did you learn? What would have made the transition from adolescence to adulthood easier with respect to understanding human sexuality? You may be single or not. But at some point you were probably single and dating. What part of the dating experience was easy and difficult to navigate? Given what you learned about human sexuality as an adolescent and young adult, did you feel prepared to communicate clearly with dating partners about your opinions and desires? If so, why? If not, why not?

Please take about 30 minutes to compose an at least 500 word discussion post that answers each of the following questions: Who or what taught you the most about sexuality when you were a child and teenager? What lessons did you learn? What would have made the transition from adolescence to adulthood easier with respect […]

Choose a stressful event that has happened to you during your time in college. Describe this event, and then give an explanation of how you coped with the level of stress.

QUESTION 8 Q1 Give examples of how various cultures view the motivation for going to college or going into the workforce. Q 2: How does a person’s expression of emotions influence what you think about that person? Why? QUESTION 9 Q1: As a parent, how would you handle your child asking for a cell phone […]