Identify its attributes and operations/functions-Create UML diagram for Television.

C Programming Consider the real life Television. Identify its attributes and operations/functions. Create UML diagram for Television. Then you are required create definition of this class in C++. The definition should contain data members and member function prototypes only. Definition of member function are not required in today’s lab task. Class Definition in C++ class […]

What are the implications for your research question-What points of your argument can this support?

VIOLENCE IN MEDIA Hypothesis: The main hypothesis is as follows: watching violence on television is significantly and positively correlated with aggressive behavior in children. Annotated bibliographies are summaries of relevant research to your topic. They are a useful way to understand the topic, keep track of the relevant research, and help organize your paper. For […]

What ways do you think your favorite TV shows influenced you when you were in high school? 

Communication Strategies Think about the television you consumed when you were in elementary school. Think about your favorite TV shows of that time. (For the purposes of this assignment: elementary school will equal K-5th grade). In what ways do you think the television shows you watched when you were in elementary school influenced you? provide […]

How could your work or skills in your life right now become part of the growing and changing television landscape?

Assignment 1 has TWO Components: Find a job post for an actual position working in TV that excites you, or something you’ve never heard of before. What does the job entail? What are the objectives and specifications of the position? Who is the job post for (what company?) Is it local, regional, national, or international? […]

How does the author use rhetorical strategies to sell this product to its audience?

Choose an advertisement on television, on the radio, on the Internet, or in print. Describe, deconstruct, and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items: Where did you find the advertisement ? Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the advertisement. What product is advertised? Who is the audience for this advertisement? How do you know […]

Do you find significant differences between the genres on this question?

Popular Culture and the Media On the whole, is popular culture progressive or reactionary? Explain the opposing viewpoints on this question among writers on popular culture, and set out the relevant criteria by which works of popular culture might be judged in this regard. In framing your answer, choose four appropriate works from different genres […]

What is its presence in cultural or artistic domains?

Consider the language’s presence in different domains, such as government, school, work, home, media, etc. What is its presence in cultural or artistic domains? What types of media outlets can it be found in (i.e. literature, radio, television, etc.), and how broad is their range (e.g. local, national, international, etc.).

How do you think the United States becoming a “minority majority” nation will influence dominant culture values?

Creative writing What are some of the most compelling intercultural communication challenges that will have to be managed over the next 50 years? Why? How do you think the United States becoming a “minority majority” nation will influence dominant culture values? How can culture influence different perceptions of human rights? What is an example? What […]

Select one kind of Reality TV genre to research, analyze and discuss with specific references to their historical style , content and how they have impacted our culture.

WRINDS-1106: RESEARCH ESSAY ASSIGNMENT (20%): GOALS To research a Reality TV topic with at least four sources of information to organize a research report (800-1000 words) with a clearly defined topic, introduction, body of discussion supported and validate with at least four sources. to use APA citation format correctly – to use formal language […]

Do you or your friends sometimes find yourself comparing your relationships to the ones you see on television?

For this discussion forum,watch a television show that involves friends  and answer the following questions using Chapter 10 of your eBook or textbook : Do the friends follow any of the guidelines for communication in successful friendships found in Chapter 10? Which ones (be specific with concepts from the chapter)? Do you or your friends […]