Explain the role of music, art, movies, and television as a motivating force in social justice issues.

For this discussion, use liminality and rites of passage to analyze two works of artistic expressions focused on racial justice. Be sure to provide and describe examples of each phase in the work(s) of art. Explain how this work was effective in re-imagining and conjuring social justice, particularly in terms of race. Explain the role […]

Are governments ever justified in censoring art? Why or why not?

Instructions Although social justice art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and21st centuries, the distribution of information regardingcontroversial art with gender, race, sexual, and/or environmentalthemes has increased with the proliferation of media Choose an example of a social justice work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline of the […]

After you have selected a film, television show, or movie, identify one character (victim of domestic violence) who will be the focus of your paper.

Domestic Violence 1. Select a film that depicts domestic violence. Alternatively, you may select a book or television show instead of a movie. Regardless of the medium of choice, it cannot be older than 5 years. For example, Enough (2002) came out in 2002 – this is too old. Your medium must have come out […]

Did the show (or whatever) address life insurance realistically or fantastically-Did it involve legal drama or criminal charges?

Try to find a story, show, film, song, or other forms of media that address life insurance (or disability insurance, but that&x27;s a lot more obscure), and analyze the example. Did the show (or whatever) address life insurance realistically or fantastically? Did it involve legal drama or criminal charges? Was life insurance part of a […]

Why do you think that people desire this type of treatment for these children-What do you think is likely to happen to the children who go through this experience-Why-What would be a better option?

Discussion Question – boot camp Respond to the following: Television talk shows often feature drill sergeant–type individuals yelling in the faces of troubled children who likely meet criteria for conduct disorder. The crowd cheers when these children are taken to boot camps. Why do you think that people desire this type of treatment for these […]

Do you think one location is harder than another-What type of planning must be done before, during-after a shoot like this?

Producing Locations for Radio and TV Listen to/view the following powerpoint https://courses.campbellsville.edu/pluginfile.php/3909713/mod_resource/content/1/Week%204%20PPT.mp4 (and answer the following questions Forum 4: Producing Locations Television and radio production can take place at several different locations. In our lecture, we discussed a few of these and some of the challenges faced by producers. Pick one of the different locations […]

What kind of cultural messages do we send to children by the way different professions are portrayed in the media, books, movies, and television?

What We Learn From 50 Years of Kids Drawing Scientists and Understanding Why Girls Underperform at Science When you picture a scientist, what does that person look like? When you were a child, how did you picture scientists? What role does gender stereotyping play in the tendency for girls to grow up to be scientists? […]

How was the music industry tied to this medium,-what were the musical results of such a relationship?

How did television play a role in the rock and pop music industry from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s? How was the music industry tied to this medium, and what were the musical results of such a relationship? Do you think TV had a negative impact on radio and the record industry? Include a brief […]

What value did the speaker or advertisement use that identified with your personal values and caused you to decide to purchase that product?

Communication theory- The public Read chapters 18-20, “The Public”. The goal of the three theories discussed in this unit is to help us understand how we are influenced by good speakers as both senders and receivers of messages (see the discussion in Chapter 1). Briefly describe how each of these theories affects the way we […]