Summarize the changes or evolutions in professional opinions as they relate to your chosen teratogen. (For example, there is research supporting that cocaine use during pregnancy is not the threat it was previously believed to be.) What was the original position of professionals on the use of the teratogen during pregnancy? Has this position changed? How much of the position was due to social and political influences rather than medical or scientific?

In the resources for Module Two, you reviewed a significant level of biological information for its impacts on development. Exposure to teratogens during sensitive periods of development presents a serious threat to the overall health of the individual. Tobacco products, alcohol, illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Molly, etc.), and over-the-counter and prescription medications are common […]

Describe an event during prenatal development or birth, and explain the impact of heredity and environment on the situation and outcome. For example, you could discuss a genetic defect or exposure to a teratogen or early delivery of an infant.

1. Prenatal Development and Birth Describe an event during prenatal development or birth, and explain the impact of heredity and environment on the situation and outcome. For example, you could discuss a genetic defect or exposure to a teratogen or early delivery of an infant. Explain how our understanding of the impacts of heredity and/or […]