Is it always necessary to do termination with a client-Why or why Not-When should you begin termination?

“A Visit to Dwight’s Hollow” Case Study The assignment will help students to better understand Diversity and the Policies that influence the work we do as social workers. Students are to read the case study “A Visit to Dwight’s Hollow” Case Study in Chapter 15 of Rivas, R.F. & Grafton, H. Hull, Jr. (2004). Then, […]

Is there any problem with the drafting of this provision? What could be done to clarify the language?

Answer BOTH questions below. 1) List three provisions in a contract that would be material, and two that would not be. 2) Blair Co.’s top officers asked an investment bank to find a buyer for the company. The bank sent an engagement letter to Blair with the following language: If, within 24 months after the […]

What other kinds of discrimination do you think are problematic in today’s workplace?

Discussion board 9:45 Assignment Overview Unit 3 – Discussion Board III 5G • Workplace discrimination takes many different forms, including the following: • Unfair discipline • Wrongful termination • Use of policies that have a negative impact on a specific person or group Review this article from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Web site to […]

How would you determine what questions to ask-How would you control the topics covered?

Discussion Review the information in Chapter 2 in your course text, The Helping Process: Assessment to Termination. Focus on the section titled “Structured and Unstructured Interviews.” Review the information in Chapter 4 in your course text, The Helping Process: Assessment to Termination. Focus on the section titled “Closed and Open Inquiries.” Read the information in […]

What implied contract is alleged to have been breached-What is the evidence that this implied contract exists?

Review the full case on pages 643 – 646 of your text, then compose your initial post answering the following questions. What are the legal issues in this case? What did the appeals court decide? What implied contract is alleged to have been breached? What is the evidence that this implied contract exists? Why does […]

What are the legal problems with the consultant’s advice-What would be better advice?

1. A large company is planning to downsize.A consultant suggests the following: It makes sense to focus on one of your unionized plants.We suggest that you reduce the 300 employees at that plant to 100. Some of the components that you produce at that plant can be made at your non-union South Carolina plant. Since […]

What aspects of his approach to termination will you utilize in your own practice? Give your rationale for your answer

1. In light of the articles for this week and the video highlighting Dr. John Norcross, summarize your thoughts on his views about termination and whether you agree or disagree. 2. What aspects of his approach to termination will you utilize in your own practice? Give your rationale for your answer 3. .What process or […]